Mediterranean Parrotfish

A true beauty of our sea life!

Its jaws resemble those of a parrot's beak.

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The Mediterranean parrotfish, Sparisoma cretense, stands out as one of the most distinctive and remarkably beautiful fish in our seas. With jaws resembling a parrot's beak, it adeptly uproots algae clinging to rocks and seizes various small invertebrates. While it can be found at depths of up to 50 metres, it is predominantly located near the coast, typically ranging from 3 to 10 metres.

The Mediterranean parrotfish stands out from other parrotfish in a unique way. In this species, it's the females that boast the most vibrant colours, a rarity among fish and even more so among parrotfish. Fully grown male Mediterranean parrotfish exhibit a subdued and rather dull greyish colour, whereas mature females showcase a relatively vivid brownish-red hue with a yellow spot near the tail and a grey spot on the back of the head. Typically, parrotfish have distinct sexes and reproduce during the summer.

Photos: By Theano Dandari

The Mediterranean parrotfish can be observed in the tanks at the Aquarium of Crete.