Art & Culture
Art & Culture

From the Minoan era until today, Crete has been actively producing and fostering culture.

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Minoan palaces, along with dominant cities such as Knossos and Phaistos, transport visitors centuries back to an era when Crete was a pioneer in the field of culture.

Today, everywhere one looks, imprints of various cultures are evident. The Venetians have left their mark on Crete, and the presence of the Ottomans is also pronounced.

Archaeological museums attempt to encapsulate all of history within their showcases, effectively becoming time machines, allowing visitors to journey through different eras and epochs.

Crete, however, continues to be a hub of cultural production, evident through its folklore museums and the active cultural associations engaging in various activities.

Theatres, music venues, and galleries are scattered throughout both the cities and countryside of the island.