Heraklion Health Centre

Heraklion Health Centre also caters to uninsured citizens, and the services are entirely free, as long as you have a social security number (‘AMKA’).

Details regarding the services provided at the Heraklion Health Centre can be found below.

Heraklion Health Centre is situated within the city of Heraklion, in the municipality of Heraklion, within the prefecture of Heraklion. Its primary function is to deliver essential healthcare services to the population within its jurisdiction, which was recorded as 145,554 individuals in the 2001 population census.

The Heraklion Health Centre also extends its services to uninsured citizens, and these benefits are fully covered at no cost, contingent upon the possession of a social security number ('AMKA').

Address: 3rd km on Heraklion - Mires Motorway, Estavromenos, PC 71500

To schedule a doctor's appointment by phone, you can call 2810-719209 or 210-138 during the hours of 08:00-14:00 (local charge applies). Alternatively, you can use the five-digit numbers 14784, 14884, or 14900 between 07:00 and 19:00, although charges may vary depending on your phone company.

Additionally, citizens have the option to book appointments online for free, 24 hours a day: Website for booking an appointment

Website: http://www.kyher.gr

Call Centre: 2810-719100

Fax: 2810-284188

Email: kyher@hc-crete.gr

Covid-19 Vaccination Centre: tel: 2810-719266,719237,719233

The ‘EOPYY’ (National Health Service Organisation) pharmacy is located on the ground floor of the same building and can be reached at the following telephone numbers: 2810-280671 and 2810-719224. The pharmacy's opening times are as follows: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 08:00 to 19:00, and Wednesday and Friday from 08:00 to 14:00.

Details regarding the Nea Alikarnassos Local Unit which belongs to Heraklion Health Centre:

Opening times: 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

Address: Arkonisou and Velissariou corner, Nea Alikarnassos

Contact number: 2810246650

The following clinics operate daily and appointments can be made by calling 2810719209 or 2810719210:

  • Pulmonologist
  • Pathologist
  • General Practitioner
  • General Surgeon
  • Cardiologist
  • Paediatrician
  • Injection clinic for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, staffed by trained nursing personnel. You can visit this clinic during the opening hours. Appointments are not required for injections.
  • On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, there is an afternoon clinic available with a General Practitioner.

(To receive an injection, it is necessary to present the health booklet, which will indicate the physician's instructions for the injection to be administered. In the case of uninsured patients, a simple medical opinion from the attending physician is required.)

Additionally, the following services are available:

  • Pap smears conducted by a qualified midwife (by appointment at 2810246650).
  • Blood samples are collected on specific days (except Thursdays) and appointments are always required.

By BiancoBlue Via create.vista