2nd Health Centre of Chania

At the 2nd Health Centre of Chania, services are also provided to uninsured citizens, and the benefits are entirely free as long as there is an AMKA (Social Security Number).

Explore further details on how to schedule an appointment.

The 2nd Health Centre of Chania, overseen by the 7th Health Region of Crete, is situated in the vicinity of the Old Hospital of Chania in the city centre. It provides Primary Health Care services (PPH) to the population under its jurisdiction.

It is also situated alongside the 1st & 2nd Local Health Teams (TOMY) of Chania, which operate collaboratively within the scope of local competence as defined by the operational framework of the Local Health Teams (TOMY).

For the following specialties, appointments can be scheduled daily from 8:00 to 20:00 by calling 28210-08351 & 28210-26110.

Additionally, you can easily and quickly book a medical appointment with a General Practitioner at the 2nd Health Centre of Chania through the website (https://www.finddoctors.gov.gr...).

It is also possible to easily manage your appointments, including:

  • Creating a new appointment
  • Cancelling an appointment
  • Managing appointment notifications
  • Viewing a list of all appointments that have taken place in the past

Access to the application is granted either through TAXISNET codes or with the Personal Electronic Health Folder codes provided by your family doctor.

The 2nd Health Centre of Chania also provides services to uninsured citizens, and benefits are entirely free as long as they have an AMKA (Social Security Number).

Address: 12 I KAPODISTRIOU & S DRAGOUMI (in the area of the Old Hospital)

Postal code: 73133

Email: 2kychania@hc-crete.gr

Photo: By IgorTishenko Via create.vista