Holy Church of Afentis Christos in Yiouchtas

Holy Church of Afentis Christos in Yiouchtas

Art & Culture

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A destination cherished not only by the faithful but also by nature enthusiasts!

At the summit of Yiouchtas, commonly referred to as Crete's sacred mountain, perched on the cliff's edge, stands the Holy Church of Afentis Christos.

This four-martyr church is dedicated to the Transfiguration of Christ (celebrated on 6th August), Agia Zoni (celebrated on 31st August), the Holy Apostles (celebrated on 30th June), and the Saints Anargyri (celebrated on 1st July).

Founded in 1443, the church is the surviving remnant of a monastery that thrived during the Venetian rule. The monastery attracted numerous visitors in search of the tomb of Zeus.

A grand festival occurs annually on 6th August.

Info: OrthodoxCrete

Photo: By Evangelos Mpikakis Via Unsplash



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